Notification of MetaKrypton #4 Phase NFT Blind Box Presale

1 min readJan 7, 2022

Hello, everyone,

Due to the recent market fluctuations, there is a large price difference between the value paid by $META & $USDT in the previous 4 phases of NFT blind box presales. It has been decided by the team after consulting from the community as a matter of urgency that:

1. We have decided that the #4 phase NFT sale will be invalidated and refunded within 2 days, and we will not send out any of these NFTs to the participants.
2. The #5 phase of NFT sale will be held based on the original timeline, but we have adopted the community’s suggestion to announce the NFT pricing of $META at 10:00 UTC on January 8.
3. For the #4 phase NFT sale share, we will add another phase of sale before the game goes live in the coming days, so members can still participate in the NFT presale to ensure their early investiment.

Sorry for any inconvenience have caused! We appreciate your support to MetaKrypton!




Meta Krypton is a Play2Earn interstellar exploration game developed on the BSC.